Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Server Requests/Suggestions

Delete deathmaps

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--- Quote from: DeviantFemale on March 05, 2010, 05:38:03 PM ---Well, I dont mind anything at all. Deathmaps are annoying sometimes because its played over and over again. Round after round. Its true it does get boring but meh whatever.

As long as theyres zombies and guns available, I'm perfectly satisfied.

--- End quote ---

completely satisfied?

[spoiler]sry i can help it[/spoiler]

Tiger Guy:
I remember before the deathmaps, when the selection was actually good. Deathmaps fucked it up. People vote for them because they're like,"OMG!!!!I WILL SURVIVE THIS TIME!!!1!LOLOLOLLO!o!l!l1O" and when they turn into a zombie, they're like "OMG!!1WHAT NOOB VOTED FOR THIS MAP!!!!!!!RAGERAGERAGEKFCRAGE!!!!111!11!". So yeah, deathmaps are ruining it.

devvybabe ♥:

--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on March 06, 2010, 03:59:42 AM ---I remember before the deathmaps, when the selection was actually good. Deathmaps fucked it up. People vote for them because they're like,"OMG!!!!I WILL SURVIVE THIS TIME!!!1!LOLOLOLLO!o!l!l1O" and when they turn into a zombie, they're like "OMG!!1WHAT NOOB VOTED FOR THIS MAP!!!!!!!RAGERAGERAGEKFCRAGE!!!!111!11!". So yeah, deathmaps are ruining it.

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Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: DeviantFemale on March 06, 2010, 07:38:45 AM ---ROFL

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Just laying down the law. Nothing hard. 8)

» Magic «:
lol i agree, death maps are hard x__x

secrets are fun though, all ya gotta do is turn SmartSnap on, For all entities ;)

then you finds them >:D


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