Tech Lounge > Mapping
loz_wind_waker + LoZ GameMode
Fucking shit. I have written so much lua.
I kinda went above and beyond on this one.
Changelog to v2 of Krashers Coding:
Precoded the F1, F2, F3, and F4 buttons to open menu's that Magic can choose what he wants for each.
Custom SWEP for Master Sword, Basic Sword, Mirror Shield (Press a button to block ^-^.),
Made bush script that will spawn the rupee shit when hit.
Bombs are the win.
Killing Goblins (Zombies xDD.) will spawn Rupees and items
Random drop system integrated into Goblins (amount of rupees.)
i can do modeling
Majoras mask:
kthx can you help me with it?... I'm not so good at it :/
» Magic «:
--- Quote from: Kräsher on April 05, 2010, 01:57:41 PM ---Fucking shit. I have written so much lua.
I kinda went above and beyond on this one.
Changelog to v2 of Krashers Coding:
Precoded the F1, F2, F3, and F4 buttons to open menu's that Magic can choose what he wants for each.
Custom SWEP for Master Sword, Basic Sword, Mirror Shield (Press a button to block ^-^.),
Made bush script that will spawn the rupee shit when hit.
Bombs are the win.
Killing Goblins (Zombies xDD.) will spawn Rupees and items
Random drop system integrated into Goblins (amount of rupees.)
--- End quote ---
joo sir, gets a cheer
--- Quote from: Tomcat on April 06, 2010, 10:26:04 AM ---i can do modeling
--- End quote ---
what type?
--- Quote from: SMasters9106 on April 06, 2010, 12:13:45 PM ---kthx can you help me with it?... I'm not so good at it :/
--- End quote ---
im not good at it either im making the map stuffs using propper xD
Change-log to lua novel v3:
Bombs now bounce when hit the ground (Bomb model is the heli-bomb for right now xD.)
Master Sword charge attack. (That swingy shit.)
Third Person View mode is Changeable by the player.
Got some LoZ jump sounds. Now makes the "HAAAGH" sound when jumping.
Hang-On to cliff sides.
Double Tapping Crtl while moving Rolls you. (you don't actually 'roll' yet)
World Physics OMFG
Rupees *CAN* be random dropped.
Head Bobs around when falling from high places and landing hard. (Like you just got punched in the head.)
--- Code: ---unction GM:PlayerInitialSpawn( ply )
self.BasicClass:PlayerInitialSpawn( ply )
if ply:IsAdmin() then
ply:PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTTALK, "LoZ: Hello! You are admin, and krasher pwns" )
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---SWEP.Author = "Krasher"
SWEP.Contact = ""
SWEP.Purpose = "Slaughter you enemies, Link-style."
SWEP.Instructions = "Primary Fire: Attack\nSecondary Fire: Jump Attack\nReload: Spin Attack"
SWEP.Spawnable = true
SWEP.AdminSpawnable = true
SWEP.ViewModel = "models/weapons/v_masters.mdl"
SWEP.WorldModel = "models/weapons/v_masters.mdl"
--- End code ---
Added a tip system for new players.
Karma for the lulz (Killing other players gives joo BAD KARMZA LUL TTT RDM xD)
--- Code: ---function GM:PlayerCanPickupWeapon(ply, wep)
if not ValidEntity(wep) and not ValidEntity(ply) then return end
--- End code ---
The above code makes it so that players can't have shotguns and shit. Only the coded weapons. (Admins can have Shotguns, Machine-Guns, etc.)
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