Other Shiz > Boneyard

Player "goob" randomly kicked me for an odd reason

(1/2) > >>

Cake Face:
Im not sure if i can report this on the first run, but I guess I did something wrong. I was on the ZS server at the start of deathrun. Then All the sudden I get a vote kick started against me by goob. If I did something wrong then I would like someone to tell me at first before they go out and kick.

The server was filled with noobs at the moment who would vote yes to anything without asking why. Guess I was unlucky. If it was a typo then I can understand and if it was then you can delete this post. But if it wasint...any heads up here?

next time get his steam id

Cake Face:
thing is, I just looked at his profile...and he became a member today. I think he's that hacker again.

Well, this is what we call a "minge/random kicker"

Please Get used to it as we always have some x___x

Magic can't ban them fast enough. ;P

* Waits on Magic..

*blames on lack of admins as usual*


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