Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps

Anonymous application


Name: Josh

Age: 13

Location: United States

Sex: Male (Unless you meant the other sex...)

Hobbies: Silence, playing with stuff.

ID: "Anonymous" STEAM_0:1:30696284 12:36 116 0 active

Likes: Music, snowboarding, tricks.

Dislikes: Minges, annoying kids, being killed.

I'm sorry but we can't help you if you don't tell us your name and ID. Otherwise I will have to call the inmigration office and deport you. >:D

I don't trust anybody who actively reminds me of 4chan.


--- Quote from: Anonymous on February 25, 2010, 03:52:03 PM ---Age: 13

Location: United States

Sex: Male (Unless you meant the other sex...)

Hobbies: Silence, playing with stuff.

Likes: Music, snowboarding, tricks.

Dislikes: Minges, annoying kids, being killed.

--- End quote ---
Funny Answers:

Age: I win

Location: Hmm, Yes

Sex: RItE NaOw?

Hobbies: Like Daks?

Dislike: "Being Killed", how often does that happen? you must haz haax or sumtin


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