Entertainment > Funny Stuffz

Yes, we MEAN it.

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-Fancisco says:
 That's the answer for all the troubles in rANdOm.
-Bradley says:
-Fancisco says:
 I just said it.
 What did Luben do to get to be a Super Admin?
 He did Stuff.
 What did MINIC, do to get to Super Admin?
 Stuff. He did a lot of it.
 What did James and Robert do, to, indeed, get admin?
 They all, with no exceptions, have done Stuff.
 What we need, to reach our goals, are just as simple as doing Stuff.
 And this, this talk, is a Must-Go in the Funny Stuff section of the forum.
 That's how we will achieve the status we so much want.
 I only got one doubt.
 Brad, Bradley Reese, from Kentucky.
 Are YOU, ready to begin this extremely hard and dangerous adventure?
-Bradley says:
-Fancisco says:
 Ok, thanks.
-Bradley says:
-Fancisco says:
 No, a winner is me.
-Bradley says:
-Fancisco says:
 I've made this all up.
 But you can be a winner too.
-Bradley says:
 I've made all this up.
 to the matrix
-Fancisco says:
 All you have to do, is post this in the Forum's Funny Stuff section.
-Bradley says:
 Yea, shure
-Fancisco says:
 With the name:"Yes, we MEAN it."
-Bradley says:
-Fancisco says:
 Post everything.
 Everything, until this line.

We, indeed, MEAN it.

lets do the stuff to reach our goal and to make an end of this bullshit!!!
im with you guys!!!  ;)

I approve your petition, Andrew.

thx, btw you can call me Andy or Striker lol. your choice


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