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The meaning of PINGAZ!


Boat Sinker:
well pingaz is not a real word so i went on urbandictionary.com and searched it up. according to it pingaz means ecstacy.

im sure we so not use the word pingaz in this way of its definition so what is the meaning of teh word pingaz?

» Magic «:

look it up on youtube :)

PINGAS is the result of a badly recorded line on a Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon.

Robotnik (To his minions) Snooping as usual I see?

SnooPING AS usual I see?

Snoo PINGAS usual I see.

Pingas is an spanish word that mean penis.

but its rly rly old i dunno why this come out lol.

actually in a sentence is like:

Oye, que te pasa? tienes la pinga parada!!... pinga = pene that means penis in english lol.

so boat sinker Phailz


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