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Won't be playin anymore

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» Magic «:
Well I can't go into detail cause I'm on my iPod

Basicly: My computer will not connect to the Internet, I bought a new router but, it's asking me for a username and password which Sky never gave me, My old router works for everything except my bloody Pc, my laptop works, But that barelay runs Steam, so really, bye till I fix this

I'm only not able to use steam I'm not leaving Rnd lol

I suppose I can map offline... Idk

cya whenever

- James


No... Just, no... :'( You can't leave now :( I will really miss you. For real. We'll all miss you. I hope I can hear about you soon. It was a pleasure meeting you, Jimmy. :'(

» Magic «:
You got the wrong side of the post, I'll try and be on forums Amap

just steam

ofc if somebody could help, it would be very much appreciated


--- Quote from: -= Magic =- on February 20, 2010, 03:57:28 PM ---Well I can't go into detail cause I'm on my iPod

Basicly: My computer will not connect to the Internet, I bought a new router but, it's asking me for a username and password which Sky never gave me, My old router works for everything except my bloody Pc, my laptop works, But that barelay runs Steam, so really, bye till I fix this

I'm only not able to use steam I'm not leaving Rnd lol

I suppose I can map offline... Idk

cya whenever

- James

--- End quote ---

I think I can help you out. If you bought a new router then you should have an installation disk. Obviously in the case you don't. What your going to need to do is get a pen or a pointy object and poke the reset button on you router until the lights blink and stuff.

Once that is done go to www.routerlogin.net using your address bar. Type in 'admin' for the username and 'admin' for the password. (I may be wrong here it could be blank for the password.) Then set it up or what ever.

Still if all you need to do is login then reset the router like I said and then type the username 'admin' and password 'admin' in. It should work. (Password could be blank!)

I had the same problem with my netgear wireless router. I hope I helped and if I didn't at least I tried.

» Magic «:
It's not shipped with a pass, I mean when configuring it, PPoA asks for username and password to connect to Internet

Router is a Belkin, but the website don't have support for Uk


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