Other Shiz > Boneyard

.:RND 'RubenHood (Admin abuse)

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right, im here "complaining about a fag named ".:RND 'RubenHood" who was admin abusing in the TTT server.

Right when the round started, he spawns himself a Beacon and a C4, BEFORE THE TRAITORS AND DETECTIVE ARE CHOSEN, then, first he plants the c4, then he plants the beacon right next to it, so that when everyone runs/walks over, they all get killed by a fucking c4. so yea, PLEASE, demote him or something.....

steam id:: didnt bother to get it because hes an RND admin....
Name:: .:RND 'RubenHood
information:: Admin abusing to get c4 and beacon (aka Trouble in Terror Town Server(aka TTT server))
video:: dont have one so i couldnt record X__X

details:: Spawned, Used admin powers to get a C4 and a Beacon, then planted the c4 and beacon in the same exact place, causring everyone to rush over there and get blown up by the c4

witnesses::ryansfishin14, somerandomguy09, thaguyoverthere, gears740, .:RND '-=XAX

when:: sometime between 4:00 PM and 4:50 pm Pacific date time

so ya.....can someone PLEASE demote him or at least do SOMETHING about his admin abusing?? 

He's one of two Head Administrators, and Coolzedad is like his best friend (Owner) so good luck sir.

aww poor you. You must be devastated. Shame.

Learn to take a joke rofl Ruben is for the fuckign win! And his new name makes him even better lolol.

hooray fo CHEESE i was there it didnt affect the gameplay at all and it were fun so why bother complaining, he does it all the time.


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