Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. > General Chat
Shen-Jii Valley
Here's where you'll apply for the Brawl for Shen-Jii Valley Event I'll update the team rosters every now and again
There are three tribes fighting for the Shen-Jii Valley there will be several area's to fight in and take over
Most of the fights will be generally common,CTF,KOTH,HTF so on
But there will be a few surprises comin up
The event will be in the rANdOm wirebuild server at 12:00 pm(noon) American PST (8:00 PM England time,3:00 PM EST)Feburary 27,2010
If you would like to submit a map for the event talk to me in wirebox(note:the map must only stuff from gmod,hl2 ep2 and CS:S are the ONLY exceptions)
If you wish to be on a team simply post that you would like to be on a team and your PREFFERED team(you may not end up on the team you wanted)
Feel free to sign up any time!You will require CS:S And hl2:ep2
Here are the rosters
Practice will be a half hour PRIOR to the event
Battle Masters/Judges:Magic,Death
(FULL)Phoenix Tribe:Striker,Frank,Mingebagger (FULL)Valley Tribe:Death,Dj Krasher,Magic Fang Tribe:Razor,Jets
i kan bez bm?
Im in the Pheonix Tribe ;D
A winner is you
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