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Brawl for Shen-Jii valley

(1/5) > >>

So me,Striker,Magic and Jetss were screwing around in wire box,when we decided to have a lil deathmatch,we were having so much fun,just the four of us
When suddenly next thing I know everybody is flooding into my arena,and we develop a whole war

After that I came up with an idea,we were all having so much fun with just a small team death match so I figured,why not have a big competition?
I've made a few sample pictures to show what I'm talking about

It's quite simple,3 teams consisting of 3 players each,the Fang,the Valley and the Phoenix Tribes

With 5 maps made out of props in wirebox each with a different goal,CTF,KOTH,HTF,TDM and of course DM

When the final map,Shen-Jii Valley comes,the last surviving team will fight to the death last one standing is victorious

Anyway,here are those pictures:

That's some of them but I don't want to overload the forums,be sure to vote

(btw I didn't know where the hell to post this so I hope this is all right)

Yah, most topics can fit into General Chat.

Anyway, are you referring to a group wide contest or more of a user2user fun contest.

Hoopty-hoo! You posted it. Looks even smecksy-er in those screenies.
When Magic PvP'd the server, I had so much fun!
@Coolz: Agree.

» Magic «:
yaya u posted it :P
approvedz0rz :D

2 teams, the 2 teams have 3 players

1 teams are spectating

3 teams are fighting

CTF: make a fort and defend your "flag" -- a rollermine coloured blue or red (2 Teams, other 2 spectating or merged with the other 2 teams)
TDM: Team DM, team 1 is combine player model, team 2 is zombies, team 3 is breen, team 4 is kliener xD
KOTH: Players has to capture the area before the other team does :p(4 teams)



--- Quote from: coolzeldad on February 18, 2010, 10:31:36 PM ---Yah, most topics can fit into General Chat.

Anyway, are you referring to a group wide contest or more of a user2user fun contest.

--- End quote ---

It's more of a anyone-can-play contest but they'll have to be signed up on the forums or have a friend to sign them up

When the poll is over in a few days,I'll make a second thread to get a list of aplicants for the teams,explain the satff,the teams and even the story I had for the names

I'm not quite down with all the maps,but I've been stressing the hell out to think of a few,so if you wanna make some battlefield maps go right ahead and I'll take a look at them

Hoever they can only be made up of hl2,hl2 ep2 and css


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