Tech Lounge > Official Server Projects

RNDFlood - Paused :(

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Since long time ago from rock ages times! Here is RNDFlood ;D

Well i started 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 days before lol dun remember :P

This is what is going on.

Still in Development - Hyper Insane Animality Pre-Alpha xd

- Player Storage ( Not going to give details :) ) -Not that shitty glon system storage :D.
- Damage System ( Working - See Down * )
- Buy-Spawn System ( Ya Totally Working )
- Loading Player data. ( Yes... Weapon and money when you join in teh server ¬¬ )
- Water Control ( The first shiz i done lol ) --This thing was seriously stoopid but well xD
- Yea This shiz, i made a validation system for ppl that you call hax0rs
- weapons and props have custom hp and damage = Easy to balance the game i still need to see how!!. :/
- Code is Really High Performance ;D i Guaranties.

Almost done.

To finish:

- Time Control System.
- Thinking about Environment sounds to make game more realistic.

I need help with... - Hope helps here :/

- Fux yea this:
  How players going to get money without MAKING MONEY ROUNDS!

I'll explain my idea.

before i made an small code that will give you money every shot that hit the prop.
but need to be balanced i know that you should know prop HP and money value BUT!
all mines all (cost = 0, hp = 0) lol

*Wut Why I LYK Teh floodmod and moneyround :( omg noe.


*Wat this is just a copy from others flood
Answer: You LITTLE AzzHole How teh fux can joo zai dat if u didn't see teh code. Totally made by RND Dev Team. Not like general ppl that take code and edit... We use brain =D.

*Are you angry?
Answer: YESSSSSS! jk

*Y do u use lot of names?
Answer: y do u care? i'm sneaky bwahaha to pwn hax0rz :C

*Y r u like this?
Answer: Lyk WUT!? xd

*Wat did she said?

Ok Gaiz Nice to See you back :D. -- Hope u halpz a lot we are a team!! >:C

i missed web page :C

Thanks to:
.:RND` Dj Krasher - He make main image :) i lyk eet :D

Paused - :C until i fit with new teacher job lol
i will try to keep alive :)

» Magic «:
yaya pwnge mod ftw ^^

now we pwnz0rz n00bz

edit: ftw svn

edit2: fak passwordz ftw

Well uhmm thats a Really deprecated code lol.

Rite nao i haf totally working code, if u want to prove it lol test xD and see how much errors u get o:.

» Magic «:
it r on flood?

i will test thee coding till it breaks >D

Ahh nice, I usually allow money rounds when there's no dead, but the prop shooting system will help too.

It would be Godly if you could revamp the rules.


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