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My Position on the Server Attacks
Omg this is now a spam thread :/
--- Quote from: Frank on February 17, 2010, 06:49:47 AM ---Gah. I think that what you're doing is very mature. Seriously, taking this so easy. One of the most matures things I've ever seen.
It's a shame that we get attacked. Plus, I think we have never harmed anyone, have we?
And those who are doing that shit, I've got something to tell you, my dear FUCKING beloved attackers:
First of all, I'd like you to have a little trip to one of the best greeting pages, loveyouDotCom.
If you have had a good experience there, I'd recommend you a very good restaurant where they make a very good sort of pancake, called Partnership Sauce.
For the perfect dessert, I shall say Wishes Of Welcome on Many Guys will fit you.
You didn't like it? Well, then I advice you to go to You Deserve Happinness.
Have a good day,
--- End quote ---
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