Other Shiz > Boneyard


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today i played on ur awesome servers again and people who are banned by voteban/kick come back whenever they want. for example i votebanned Spanch Bob 5 times and crazy 2 times and he keeps coming back in 1 minute...
so is ♥Xyй♥ and many others

Please some help it seems like someone is hacking because at certain moments votekick and voteban doesnt work anymore D:

It could be from non-steam users i guess cus they dont have a steam ID ??
just a guess

Greetz Master

oh and P.S. fix the thing from "u have to wait 120 sec to 60 sec or something cus its rly annoying


i wuz just recently in there with those hackers.
same problem.
i have to become admin, because whenever a hacker is there, theres no admin on.
Im the only respected in there and thats why they can easily get back whenever they get banned. :mad:
Before i votebanned him he suggested that hes a hacker, which has been the truth after he came back from the voteban. ::)
Ill make an admin app now and i hope ill become an admin  ;D...



--- Quote from: Master on February 14, 2010, 07:18:39 AM ---today i played on ur awesome servers again and people who are banned by voteban/kick come back whenever they want. for example i votebanned Spanch Bob 5 times and crazy 2 times and he keeps coming back in 1 minute...
so is ♥Xyй♥ and many others

Please some help it seems like someone is hacking because at certain moments votekick and voteban doesnt work anymore D:

It could be from non-steam users i guess cus they dont have a steam ID ??
just a guess

Greetz Master

oh and P.S. fix the thing from "u have to wait 120 sec to 60 sec or something cus its rly annoying


--- End quote ---

You votebaned Crazy? The RND member Crazy? For what? If you say mic spam... epic facepalm.

No crazy kicked him twice :S

epic failzors

i VOTEBANNED sPANCH twice(shit got caps on)
Nikita was dar


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