Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Forum/Website Suggestions
Limit On Applications
--- Quote from: emilhem on February 13, 2010, 09:48:44 PM ---I think Jr. Members and up can be respected and members of our Steam group!!
Remove inactive people from our Steam group!!
--- End quote ---
But people would start spammin moar :/
but good idea!
Boat Sinker:
i totally agree. if we made the rank requirement for respected junior member or 100 posts then we would knwo that were dealing with a player that cares about our servers and is not just a newbie.
--- Quote from: Boat Sinker on February 13, 2010, 09:53:34 PM ---i totally agree. if we made the rank requirement for respected junior member or 100 posts then we would knwo that were dealing with a player that cares about our servers and is not just a newbie.
--- End quote ---
Naow, We need coolz to read this and put it into action, as that if one hell of an idea
Good idea.
Good idea.
+1, lolz.
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