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Global chat code !!!README!!!

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Boat Sinker:
Wow I just remembered this thread. I guess it didn't cyatchbon


--- Quote from: =-MλsTer GT-= on March 14, 2010, 05:41:44 AM ---kinda useless nobody ever responds when there arnt enough people to vote yes or somethin D:

--- End quote ---
+admins dont come online ever.
Congratz, you got admin
except magic, hes sometimes online
i saw ruben only once and tomcat only once..
well maybe that cus of my timezone.. its 1 PM at the moment here

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: =-MλsTer GT-= on April 21, 2010, 03:56:34 AM ---+admins dont come online ever.
Congratz, you got admin
except magic, hes sometimes online
i saw ruben only once and tomcat only once..
well maybe that cus of my timezone.. its 1 PM at the moment here

--- End quote ---
11pm here

Too hard to remember :( BUT I SHALL CREATE UNDERCOVER NAME! It is "Cheezeburger".


--- Quote from: pingas on May 26, 2010, 11:28:46 AM ---erm forgive me if im rong but most the ppl who see this thred are prob allready respected, cuz most ppl come here to get respected. Ltes face it its not realy that hard to get respect. There should only be one code, a code that is if a respected cant handle somthing like a minority of ppl who all vote no.

--- End quote ---
What the hell are you talking about ...
Have you even took the time to read the Post?


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