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I'm Going on a vacation

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Well I just want you guys to know that iam going on vacation by myself. So if ya guys wonder why iam offline I'll be on vacation in Florida for around 1 week ish starting on wedsday feb 17 but I'll have internet but not steam. This is a bog deal becuase this is the secound time flyin alone and the first time I have been moar than 1000 miles away from my home without my family. If you need me fly bad jus pm me and I'll respond. HaF FuN - Tommykatz

use pp so u dun get minged :O

Boat Sinker:

--- Quote from: Tomcat on February 11, 2010, 07:36:33 PM ---Well I just want you guys to know that iam going on vacation by myself. So if ya guys wonder why iam offline I'll be on vacation in Florida for around 1 week ish starting on wedsday feb 17 but I'll have internet but not steam. This is a bog deal becuase this is the secound time flyin alone and the first time I have been moar than 1000 miles away from my home without my family. If you need me fly bad jus pm me and I'll respond. HaF FuN - Tommykatz

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dun get eatzord by an alligator warin a gaytoraid shurt wyl durin teh cha cha  ;D

Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Tomcat on February 11, 2010, 07:36:33 PM ---Well I just want you guys to know that iam going on vacation by myself. So if ya guys wonder why iam offline I'll be on vacation in Florida for around 1 week ish starting on wedsday feb 17 but I'll have internet but not steam. This is a bog deal becuase this is the secound time flyin alone and the first time I have been moar than 1000 miles away from my home without my family. If you need me fly bad jus pm me and I'll respond. HaF FuN - Tommykatz

--- End quote ---
Take these! You might need it!

tigah weens :o


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