Entertainment > Funny Stuffz

I Get Kix For Following PPLZ In TTT

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LOLOLOLOLOL Bear(something) guy kixed me in teh TTT while Ruben was there... for FOLLOWING a DIFFERENT person around LOL! I wasn't even killing him or anything just following him lololol! BTW, this isn't a report idc if I get kixed it just made meh Lul.

African Bear Jew

In first place, this guy should never had earned rescpeted. People actually don't know whot they give respected to.


--- Quote from: ~ -= PingaZ =- ~ on February 10, 2010, 01:41:01 PM ---In first place, this guy should never had earned rescpeted. People actually don't know whot they give respected to.

--- End quote ---

He didn't earn it. He admitted to the server after I got kicked and Ruben demoted him that, in fact, he gave Ruben someone else's intro and said it was his...

lul shit piece crap liar. he votebanned me :(


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