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Setting up Site with gmod

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Banana Hat:
Hey Coolz I was if you can get the data base to work for both the forums and the cover site.
you should make it relevant to the steam ids. that way users can only have one forum account for every steam account.
You could use garrysmod as the form of registering as garrysmod can show http.

I could see lotz o exploits, but this sounds like a great idea O=

Maybe in 3 days or so I can look into it ;)

This should be interesting :D

//Edit: I just thought of having to redo all the current users :(?

and then ppl not being able to join if not in gmod :?? -limits games :s

but i should at least combine database -_- some time .. lol

Time to [gm_sqlite ;o gmod] i saw comments that is Pretty slow ;o

and some ppl tried the mysql instead the sqlite lol
and they says mysql is fast but ate all their pc's ;O! resources lawl
mic eater! :p ^_^

lol yah mysql eatz ramz

use postgres maybe, but keep in mind this would limit our users :(

we, dont, want, limits.      was it obvious but the idea is great, you could add the thing to the website that you must add ur steamID if you want to register, and it would find it and then let you register(would look it up on tha servers)


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