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Flood Mod v2.0 Gun additions suggestion board!

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Flood Mod v2.0 Gun additions suggestion board!
You better suggest now before time is up! (We finish Flood Mod v2.0)
To Suggest:
Post Below with a gun/other suggestion!
Current Additions:
P90, knife, sniper (your welcome), heal stick...

--- Code: ---WeaponInfo[6] = {
MDL = "models/weapons/W_knife_t.mdl",
Weapon = "weapon_knife",
Tip = "Name: Knife\nCost: $1000\nDamage: 4\nAmmo: Infinite\nInfo: Stabby, very stabby."
WeaponInfo[7] = {
MDL = "models/weapons/W_smg_p90.mdl",
Weapon = "weapon_p90",
Tip = "Name: P90\nCost: $20000\nDamage: 6\nAmmo: 500\nInfo: Wanna Kill Shit? Grab One of these and fire!"
WeaponInfo[8] = {
MDL = "models/weapons/W_smg_ump45.mdl",
Weapon = "weapon_ump45",
Tip = "Name: Ump\nCost: $14000\nDamage: 3.5\nAmmo: 200\nInfo: Slightly Better than the TMP."
WeaponInfo[9] = {
MDL = "models/weapons/W_snip_awp.mdl",
Weapon = "weapon_awp",
Tip = "Name: Sniper\nCost: $25000\nDamage: 20\nAmmo: \nInfo: A Sniper, Killing shit one shot at a time."
WeaponInfo[10] = {
MDL = "models/weapons/W_stunbaton.mdl",
Weapon = "weapon_stunbaton",
Tip = "Name: Heal Stick\nCost: $7000\nDamage: +3\nAmmo: \nInfo: Heal your boat!"
WeaponInfo[11] = {
MDL = "models/weapons/W_snip_awp.mdl",
Weapon = "weapon_p90",
Tip = "Name: Magnum\nCost: $25000\nDamage: 20\nAmmo: \nInfo: A Sniper, Killing shit one shot at a time."

--- End code ---

» Magic «:
needs more than just the buy icon ;P


--- Quote from: ~Magic on January 29, 2010, 02:39:35 PM ---needs more than just the buy icon ;P

--- End quote ---
This is just showing what it will say to the people, trust me i know my lua ;D
are you going to help or not? You will get your name on it :3

HMmm..... Teh Prices? I r teh winznao. add a bugbait which does 0 damage. but play rickroll to whoever receives teh shot =D


--- Quote from: Frank95.- on January 29, 2010, 03:00:26 PM ---HMmm..... Teh Prices? I r teh winznao. add a bugbait which does 0 damage. but play rickroll to whoever receives teh shot =D

--- End quote ---
Hmm, that will get annoying but lol

I need scripters x___x


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