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SMasters zs guide
--- Quote from: lolwut on February 09, 2010, 06:17:02 PM ---Your missing one cruel element to all of that. :o
If you have a computer running at 9 fps, then you can attempt the following but once a zombie gets 2 hits on you in a row...your fucked. Plus, the better fps = the more faster you can run at. Anything that can play gmod above 15 fps is good enough. When you have shitty frame rates, you cannot run fast and your an easy target for a zombieh.
Just thought i'd share that.
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This is not true. I have about a standard of 10-30 fps. I have no problem playing.
--- Quote from: Ultimate [Boss] on April 10, 2010, 02:54:13 AM ---what do you do when you have this??
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Cry and mic spam and rock out and use. Fast zombies.
Fastzombeis can climb but cant hold on to that
--- Quote from: Ultimate [Boss] on April 10, 2010, 08:30:50 AM ---Fastzombeis can climb but cant hold on to that
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Very True. or you can use poison headcrab to peak threw those holes, if their were any lol. i also was their when it happened, it was fucking hilarious!
--- Quote from: Mr.Franklin on April 11, 2010, 10:53:34 AM ---Very True. or you can use poison headcrab to peak threw those holes, if their were any lol. i also was their when it happened, it was fucking hilarious!
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we just kept jumping and suiciding with chem zombies ,
we jumped and killed oursleves just in front of the plates lol
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