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I Love books.

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I finished this book that i've just bought it.
It was so cool. If you like books, i recommend you guys this book.
The title is "Holes"
<insert picture here>

Read "Forrest Gump", "The Hounds of the Baskervilles", "An inspector calls", The whole Narnia stuff, The Lord of No Time, and other good stuff. I have a book a friend of mine gave me for my birthday, it's about a guy who discovered how to hack humans' head >O

All of them are cool. 8)

Ive eread holes, VERY nice book

I highly recommend Tales of the Tomato Children from space and shit

Funniest Book ever

Tiger Guy:
Books are for squares.

By the way Frank, have you seen the movie "Forrest Gump"?

» Magic «:
I read that in ye 8 English xD


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