Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps

||EXO - M|| Jimmy's application :]

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Hi, my name is James, but many of my friends call my Jimmy,I am 15. I love your flood serve and play with alot of my other steam friends. I would like respected because there are some real idiots in the serverat ties and i would like try handle that with the votekick/ban feature.

My Name:James Whiley               Country: Australia (WA)            Games: Gmod, CSS, TF2
Steam Name: |EXO - M|| Jimmy             Time: 1 pm - 8 pm

The reason I wish to be respected is because:

1. I like your community ad wuld like to be more of it
2. I play flood daily and some idiots join and i want to control them
3. Help respect's and Admins.
4. Help others join this community and help them with the game

Thanks, please read an accept!! :>

Voted yes, good info.... stole meh template but its cool... and... yeah :D

» Magic «:

Welcome, To .:~`=-rANdOm-=`~:.!

my nick is jimmy too ^^

Please read through these rules first:,2.0.html

If you have any questions ask these people!,1087.0.html

Give the link to this post to an Admin ingame and they will promote you ;)

Please have fun and respect everyone!


Hey my fellow friend. Welcome to .:~`=-rANdOm-=`~:.!  I hope you will enjoy your stay.
If you have any questions dont be afraid to ask people round here.. Alot of them are really friendly. I will be looking forward to seeing you around the community. Also dont forget to read the rules :P I know that sometimes you people dont want to obey them but its just for the greater good and will ensure that you got a great time around here.

                                                                                              Yours only,

Yours only,



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