Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. > General Chat

:D Got Cha!

(1/3) > >>

*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: *whistles
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: IS
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: IS
*DEAD* .:RND`=- Magic |AHN|: g2g
*DEAD* .:RND`=- Magic |AHN|: WTF SABB
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: whut
PapaStalin's props have been cleaned up
*DEAD* .:RND`=- Magic |AHN|: not funny
Mower's props have been cleaned up
Profile Saved!
*DEAD* .:RND`=- Magic |AHN|: so?
Player vissekop has joined the game
*DEAD* .:RND`=- Magic |AHN|: let him die naturally
*DEAD* .:RND`=- Magic |AHN|: cya anyways
zackpier's props have been cleaned up
*DEAD* .:RND`=- Magic |AHN|: i did
.:RND`=- Magic |AHN|'s props have been removed.
.:RND`=-|DJ Party Krasher|: Sabbath
sabbathfreak911: whut
.:RND`=-|DJ Party Krasher|: you actually said it wass hard to control minges as an admin
.:RND`=-|DJ Party Krasher|: wow lol
fachifa's props have been removed.
sabbathfreak911: mmhm...
.:RND`=-|DJ Party Krasher|: thats kinda,,,,,,,, :/
sabbathfreak911: this serevr is teh full of theem you CANT stop them
Profile saved!
.:RND`=-|DJ Party Krasher|: admin can quick kick, shouldn't it be easy to stop them?
Bountyhunter49's props have been cleaned up
.:RND`=-|DJ Party Krasher|: (quick kick = no votes needed for kick)
sabbathfreak911: yea but theres always so many and admin cant be on 24/7
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
.:RND`=-|DJ Party Krasher|: thats why apllied for admin, im always on flood and i respect rules to fullest
.:RND`=-|DJ Party Krasher|: :/
sabbathfreak911: thatll end
.:RND`=-|DJ Party Krasher|: ?
.:RND`=-|DJ Party Krasher|: whatll end?
sabbathfreak911: youll get bored of it
.:RND`=-|DJ Party Krasher|: of admin?
sabbathfreak911: no
sabbathfreak911: of Flood
sabbathfreak911: as i did
Player pokefoncho has joined the game
.:RND`=-|DJ Party Krasher|: Lol no, i love owning teh noobs, meeting new players, and helping them aswell
Player .:RND`=-|3acðn|3OY-AHN|M INC has joined the game
vissekop: you cant weld=
fachifa's props have been cleaned up
.:RND`=-|DJ Party Krasher|: lol yeah, you need to use nailz
sabbathfreak911: ... -.- you are always on here
sabbathfreak911: afk
.:RND`=-|DJ Party Krasher|: :D, i am i am, lol... i guess you going to record again
sabbathfreak911: lol, no
sabbathfreak911: only last rtime
sabbathfreak911: time*
Profile Saved!

:D he he
sabbath will now post something below

noez he won't.

Propaganda ftw lol

» Magic «:
i wasnt talking to myself, sabbath was abusing and using teh admin chatz0rz


--- Quote from: ~Magic on February 08, 2010, 08:30:33 AM ---i wasnt talking to myself, sabbath was abusing and using teh admin chatz0rz

--- End quote ---

Wtf? Was that when I killed you in Flood using admon powerz or sumthingz? Wow it's like Magic's hiring his hos to take me down on the forum noaw.

Magic, please don't talk bad about Sabb, even if it's true. :(

Pl0x? For your tiny friend Frank?


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