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The Guide of a Winter Survivalist.

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» Magic «:

--- Quote from: lolwut on February 09, 2010, 06:12:24 PM ---That reminds me that I made a site about that along time ago. Specifically for our winter survival server.

I have not accessed it since.

--- End quote ---

Good ol site u got there

I remember diving into the water at Hawk and living 15-20 good minutes submerged cause I had like 200 berries and kept hunting birds

Gotta be like the ws:
People, who have to put "rtv" if they want to change the map
As the bag fills you have everything and then loses everything.
Oh and when someone dies he would have to wait 20 minutes after that time he would return

I also have my own tips, get 2 or 3 rocks 1 wood and 1 or 2 crystals and you can make a fire, equip the rock to get 2 sap
Make an axe to chop more wood to make a pickaxe, hit one of the big rocks to get some more rocks, then make a fire near the berry harvest place thing (whatever) near water, and near a tree

Hit the rock in the middle of the fire to get rocks, crystals, diamonds


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