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New computer.A PS3 ?

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I have been wondering about this for quite some time.
I am going to buy a new PS3.(I already have a monitor)
Instead of installing Ubuntu/Linux, I am going to install Windows.
That will save me quite a lot rather than buying or making a new computer.

So do you think it is a good idea?

Hmmm... I recommend you install Windows XP, as it requires less ram and stuff. And PS3s are like pcs, so I don't recommend you to put something like Vista or 7.


--- Quote from: Frank95.- on January 17, 2010, 07:05:18 AM ---Hmmm... I recommend you install Windows XP, as it requires less ram and stuff. And PS3s are like pcs, so I don't recommend you to put something like Vista or 7.

--- End quote ---
yeah ok. Thanks.

Np. Btw, could you buy another PS3 foar me? :D


--- Quote from: Frank95.- on January 17, 2010, 08:46:31 AM ---Np. Btw, could you buy another PS3 foar me? :D

--- End quote ---
go get ur own. its really cheap now.


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