Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Community Admin Apps
Krasher's OLD Admin App
This post is old, lock it pl0x.
Oh and Click Here for the new one.
i will still say no.
--- Quote from: CommanderEddy on January 16, 2010, 10:47:42 PM ---i will still say no.
--- End quote ---
Reason(s)? Have you ever even met me in-game? Im always there, and i dont see you :l
lol your quick to judge, ask Frank95
EDIT: Lol your cool Eddy, a little sketchy at first, but coolzor now!
I vote 0, nothing against or anything, I just never saw you before, and if I did, then that 0 changes to a +1 :D
--- Quote from: Duck on January 17, 2010, 08:16:13 AM ---I vote 0, nothing against or anything, I just never saw you before, and if I did, then that 0 changes to a +1 :D
--- End quote ---
lol, i never see you ingame either D:
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