Tech Lounge > General


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The thing is mines is [spoiler]FREE[/spoiler] and im sharing with like 4 other ppl. But its only my dam uncle thats always downloading movies and shit.

BrotherBlade: ok :-X

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Peetah on May 23, 2010, 06:40:44 AM ---The thing is mines is [spoiler]FREE[/spoiler] and im sharing with like 4 other ppl. But its only my dam uncle thats always downloading movies and shit.

--- End quote ---

tell him to stop dl'ing pron and jsut watch it instead ;)

Meh for being 100 Miles from the server thats still good...

Proudly Infected:
Meh, it's not that bad. I mean since i have like 3 ps3's on with 2 other pc's :/


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