Tech Lounge > General
--- Quote from: Xrain on April 28, 2010, 10:02:00 AM ---
I've gotten better results before tho.
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HOLY SHIT, 90 MB HOLY CRAP, we don't have even 50 Mb in Israel xD
And fail upload compared to the download lawl
Psh Xrain is using his school's connection. He may have epic dl/ul but he has to share it with other people.
--- Quote from: Sanders on April 28, 2010, 11:59:10 AM ---Psh Xrain is using his school's connection. He may have epic dl/ul but he has to share it with other people.
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Oh then nvm he fails =P
--- Quote from: Sanders on April 28, 2010, 11:59:10 AM ---Psh Xrain is using his school's connection. He may have epic dl/ul but he has to share it with other people.
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Considering the line rarely ever goes above 80% utilization. In addition it normally costs $90 a month for a 3Mb Dl, 1Mb Ul connection. I'll take my shared Uni connection Tyvm
--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on April 28, 2010, 07:15:27 AM ---Lol, epic win upload, it's way more than my download speed xD
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i have 8-10 m down and .45 up
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