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Also, when I said jump, people push the spacebar. I think we really have to be as specific as to say: "Commit Suicide"

Boat Sinker:

--- Quote from: PhrozenFox on February 20, 2010, 12:49:18 PM ---"When the winning boat is left, all players except owner are permitted to jump. If owner -is dead the player with the least money stays on."

Permitted is used in the wrong context, if you say it this way, it means "allowed to" when it should say something along the lines of "must".

"When the winning boat is left, all players except owner are required to jump. If owner -is dead the player with the least money stays on."

--- End quote ---

k fox ill fix it. and people can make or find many loopholes within rules.

For people that think that they can be a smart ass by using loopholes in the rules, it still doesn't matter, and they will still end up being kicked or banned just because if you know what i mean.

Boat Sinker:

--- Quote from: PhrozenFox on February 20, 2010, 12:51:30 PM ---Also, when I said jump, people push the spacebar. I think we really have to be as specific as to say: "Commit Suicide"

--- End quote ---

when sum1 says jump and they just jump, you tell them jump off lol , or you just kick them


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