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Wasting money?
As the title says are you guys wasting money on the servers no one plays? I don't mean to offend anyone. I'm just wondering. I would put this in the help/request thread but I don't think it belongs there.
I was thinking and maybe you can make one of the servers a test server or something. Wait never mind that's a stupid idea.
Roleplay... It'd be fun if someone ever went thar
--- Quote from: Frank95.- on January 11, 2010, 08:49:04 AM ---Roleplay... It'd be fun if someone ever went thar
--- End quote ---
I go there all time, but it or glitched or empty =\
I think that if people don't enter your server you just take it down (to prevent money wasting) and if people request it back, then you put it up again =D
» Magic «:
Still undecided about this.
I might make a poll for new gamemodes.. unsure as of yet.
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