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commandereddys new server

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that server tag is disgusting :(

Boat Sinker:

--- Quote from: CommanderEddy on January 09, 2010, 06:16:34 PM ---I it will be online only when i am online...so yeah.
And its flood but u guys can tell me what gamemode you want it to be and don't forget to tell me what map.

EDIT:My server is now online.

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I WANT TO TRY IT! and make it flood cuz flood is the bomb.


--- Quote from: CommanderEddy on January 11, 2010, 08:40:46 PM ---BTW now i have 2 servers, one is ZS and the other one is Flood.
 i also changed the name of the servers to |AHN| Flood and |AHN| Zombie Survival because me and killah joined servers
and our clan tag is |AHN| which stands for annihilation.
We also changed the website to http://annihilation.netforums.us
Ip:Flood )
Zombie Survival )

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Just a hint, those IP's are internal.. use a service such as whatsmyip.org


--- Quote from: coolzeldad on January 15, 2010, 02:12:14 PM ---Just a hint, those IP's are internal.. use a service such as whatsmyip.org

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Thx for the hint coolz.


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