Other Shiz > Boneyard


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Omfg I know it's not hacking or anything I just said it for teh lulz, but when I just kicked this "bat(something)" guy for prop pushing, killing, and attempted trapping (he tried trapping me in the warehouse at build LOL), it kicks ME instead. I typed votekick bat and I get kicked? WTF? I voted yes too and so did everyone else because we didn't realize the kick was on me not the minge. Wtf just happened?

Hmmm.... I have no idea... Maybe it is a real hack... I should find out.

:P you did smth wrong lol.. or he beat you to votekickin you first XD


--- Quote from: Mingebagger on January 03, 2010, 04:18:34 AM ---:P you did smth wrong lol.. or he beat you to votekickin you first XD

--- End quote ---

He wasn't respected o.o. I assumed he was new to the game cause all he could do is attempt to block buttons and prop push / kill without even PHX items. (bombs)

Some of his friends were mabye?


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