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Moderator Warning level.
Banana Hat:
Okay just so you all know how this works.
we can't ban people or nothing but we can send out warnings and increase the waring level. here's how it works.
Watched - this does nothing.
Moderated - or something like that all posts must be approved by a moderator before they show.
Muted - cant post
your warning level will drop over time if we don't increase it.
» Magic «:
i already know this and dont you wanna lock this?
Yeah, lock this. Someone will come and start spamming and saying bullshit...
--- Quote from: Frank95.- on December 29, 2009, 09:46:35 AM ---Yeah, lock this. Someone will come and start spamming and saying bullshit...
--- End quote ---
*Waits for Eddy*
» Magic «:
*waits for... oh wait, sabbaths already here...*
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