Other Shiz > Boneyard
Change the RND wirebuild map
Its been too long godammit!!! Change the map already, also I've put up a suggestion map for wirebuild http://forum.randomgs.co.cc/index.php/topic,1366.0.html
Why do you wan't to change the map? I think the maps perfect :-[
EDIT: I looked at the map, and it looks awesome. I think we would need that kind of map in the wire server. ;D
» Magic «:
freesppace sux -__- it lags the hell outa me, can we change back to wirebuild?
Ya wirebuild was the best, there's also a map called GM_perfectz_world_v2 which is very nice, tough it might be laggy:
» Magic «:
wireconstruct i mean, i could fly my planes then with massive airspace, race my cars accros the map, play hide & seek with my mates again, ooh good times...
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