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I will not be on for awhile.

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As the title says I will not be on for awhile. You see I bought some laughing gas online and my parents found out about it. They got mad and locked it in a safe. They left the house today and locked the door and the safe. So picked the lock to the room and the safe. Inside the safe is alot of my mothers medication and mine. Most important was the laughing gas.

I took it out and locked the safe and the room back up. However they found out about it. All I took was the laughing gas. They think I took medication too. Which I didn't. So now they called the police and I don't really know what's going to happen from here.  :'(

Banana Hat:
Oh Shit. was the gas any fun?

The police officer was really mean. I was threatened about CPS. Then he left so I'm going to be fine. It was worth it! Also I'm never really worried when it comes to the cops. I must have been in a police care five or more times. Cause of my parents fighting and custody issues. Have not seen my dad in five years sence he threatened to kill my mom.

Everything is okay now though!  :)

» Magic «:
good :)

so do u have the recipe for the laughing gas?I want to try them out. :D


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