Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Community Admin Apps
Xexxar's Admin Application. (Cause ZS needs admins)
Name: Alex
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:24463439
Age: 15
Birthday: 11/14/93
Ingame Name: Xexxar
Location: St. Charles Illinous
Time Active: EVERY SECOND (Not exactly but alot)
Admin Experience: I have been admin on a couple servers. Most are no longer up. I also lead the most feared Zombie Survival Group on rnd. Zombie Survival Proffessionals. {ZsP}
Friends: Sleeper. Coolz. Banana. Sanders. Minic. (Sorta) Moo. Smasters. Necruly. Rizzo. TigerClaw. Coolwonder. Other ZsP People....
Education: I am in AP Math, literacy. And other school stuff...
Skills: I am a mapper. I know sdk faceposer. I know a TEENY bit a lua. I also liek cheese.
Gmod Total Play Time: (Since January 23rd. 2009) 1188.3 hrs. WTF?!!?!??!
Why do I want admin?
I would like admin to finally stop all the hackers and spammers on rnd. I really love playing on rnd with all my friends. I always play zs so it would be nice to have an admin on there pretty much 24/7. Please vote for me. I wouldnt abuse because when Yakahugdes made himself server owner and turned everyone into super admins. I didnt abuse! (Except for blowing up a few people.) Please vote for me. Thank you!
hai and also good luckz
xexxar would be a good admin, gl man
Tiger Guy:
WTF is this noob!?!?!?
Just kidding, I think you would be a great admin.
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