Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Server Requests/Suggestions

Zombie Survival!

(1/2) > >>

Just some ideas I have been getting from playing on your ZS server. I may add more when I think of other things.

A. You should remove the maps that no one plays.
B. You should make sure that the maps you do keep are fun and long lasting.
C. If it is possible to fix it where the furniture doesn't kill you while your moving it.
D. Kick the administers that abuse the game.

I don't mean to offend any of the administers, however some have been abusing the game. For example respawning themselves and other humans during the game.

Just some tips from me I hope I helped I know I will add more to this soon. >:(

* Tomcat coughs -banana & sleeper- coughs


Banana Hat:
fuck you

» Magic «:
lol, some good ideas tho


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