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Post Your Desktop!

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--- Quote from: Maverick on December 12, 2009, 05:57:14 AM ---That's a nice background you have their. I used windows 7 until I found out I couldn't play GunZ Online with it.
Still windows 7 is awesome, however I prefer windows vista, with all it's problems.  :)

I'm using windows vista with a alienware background. I can't upload a picture cause it's late and I'm tired. :laugh:

--- End quote ---

» Magic «:
omg ie8.................................. i'll get the links to the top 5 browsers with language options


#1 Opera

#2 Mozilla FireFox

#3 Google Chrome

#4 Apple Safari

#5 Mozilla Social Flock

They all do have language options...

Banana Hat:
IE 8 is a piece of shit it kept freezing every 5 minutes.

» Magic «:
agreed IE is standard shit that comes with computer, its the shit that always gets replaced

Thanks guys I will upgrade.  :)


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