Tech Lounge > Mapping

ZS map making!

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Hey what's up guys.

I just wanted to post that I will be making some zombie survival maps. For the ZS server! I hope everyone will enjoy my maps. Most importantly I hope someone can upload my maps. At the moment I'm not making any maps yet. I take great time in my maps, I'm kind of a perfectionist you see.  ;D

Soon I will though, =).

» Magic «:
cool, good luck in making one, dont forget This


--- Quote from: Magic on December 12, 2009, 01:06:20 PM ---cool, good luck in making one, dont forget This

--- End quote ---

Thank you Magic! =)

» Magic «:
no problem  :police:

I'm so excited to release my map soon!

I have been working on it for about three days.

It's like 80% done!



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