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List of Epic Fail Russian Kids
Tiger Guy:
I've made a list of people that are fail, minges, or Russians.
List of Epic Fail Russian Kids:
_(Dead_Men)_# [RUS]
barxbar Jazz3000
Feel free to respond telling me who to add or take off the list.
There was this Poduo guy or something like that and he was a Russian minge but I think he either doesn't go to the server anymore or changed his name. It's hard to tell, all the little Russian minges sound the same lol.
Tiger Guy:
--- Quote from: SabbathFreak911 on November 29, 2009, 07:08:11 PM ---There was this Poduo guy or something like that and he was a Russian minge but I think he either doesn't go to the server anymore or changed his name. It's hard to tell, all the little Russian minges sound the same lol.
--- End quote ---
Yup true :P i hate all russian kids .P they are just ANNOYING every fuckin server is filled with them and i just feel like crashin stuff :P
Tiger Guy:
I like to piss them off. They act like Angry German Kid when they are mad.
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