Other Shiz > Boneyard

Name changers/Ropers

(1/3) > >>

There have been many people that love to come in, name change and make us look like we are saying stupid things. Then go on and lag the server to hell. So i will be keeping this thread to store the names/ids of those who are doing this. And if you suspect anyone please report it here, i am trying to help get rid of these people.

huh what do u meanzzzz ?

He means like hackers that change our names with that shit hacks and then spam some not funny shit that are funny to those hackers like

Darky then it changes to another players name or something then u might say something like

ROFL I SUX BAWLZ but spamming it fast

Maybe if the server wasn't ~, they would all be banned?

» Magic «:
if it wasnt (COCONUTTED) then nobody would give a fuck about it it would end up like DBDs servers


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