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Voteban/Votekicks and admin kicks


God Of War:
Just today, I votekicked a guy, who was then kicked by Ruben.  I know I should not have used my respected while there was an admin on, but I did... And when Ruben kicked him, it registered it as an "evade", so it banned him for 5 minutes.  Maybe you should add a little check where if the Steam ID that is being kicked by an admin is currently under a votekick, it should end the votekick, then kick them, so they don't get that 5 minute ban.  Again, sorry, Ruben, and it won't happen again. -.-

Well uhmm technically if i kick, votekick will do the same job, if he get kicked by me will be banned 5 min for evasion and if is kicked by votes will be banned 5 min cuz yes xD.

Assmod bans differs from Voteban it works independent from assmod tables.

Votekick was made to use i don't see the problem if you use it if i'm online, sometimes i use to be like ok let's ppl choose correct :p.


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