Other Shiz > Boneyard
Anony mouse, abousing respected status
So i votekicked this kid for disrespecting other players. Underdog, i think... Then anony mouse, starts whining "Im gonna take this to the forums!!! and when i ignore that... HE VOTEKICKS ME, LOL, ye rly, zomg... funny as it is, everyone votes no.
Anony Mouse: im gonna report zippo
[SolidVote] Anony Mouse voted no.
*Z-E* underdog's props have been removed. -this is where underdog gets kicked
Player Gevelegian has joined the game
Gevelegian's props have been removed.
Player Gevelegian has joined the game
Profile saved!
Gevelegian: is noclip limited?
Gevelegian: ok thanks
Gevelegian: i can but very short
Gevelegian: or at least fly
Player dragon1998_98 has joined the game
Gevelegian: no with V
Gevelegian: yea
Player mucip999 has joined the game
*Z-E* underdog's props have been cleaned up
Zippo^ - Server online! :D: Annoy mouse, go report me
Player mucip999 has joined the game
Anony Mouse: sure
Zippo^ - Server online! :D: thanks
Profile saved!
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
[SolidVote] Anony Mouse initiated vote 'Kick player Zippo^ - Server online! :D?' - This is where anony mouse votekicks me
[SolidVote] Zippo^ - Server online! :D voted no.
[SolidVote] Gevelegian voted yes.
[SolidVote] Anony Mouse voted yes.
[SolidVote] www.kopu.ru voted no.
[SolidVote] [???????]You Must Die voted no.
[SolidVote] Gatler voted yes.
(TEAM) Zippo^ - Server online! :D: press f12
] stopsounds
Chilli's props have been removed.
Player BlAcKLiGhT has joined the game
Player Chilli has joined the game
Profile saved!
*DEAD* Anony Mouse: zippo why did you kick underdog
*DEAD* Anony Mouse: chat please....
*DEAD* BlAcKLiGhT: /showrespected
Zippo^ - Server online! :D: you know why, cut it out
Chilli's props have been removed.
Zippo^ - Server online! :D: why did you just votekick me?
Zippo^ - Server online! :D: why
*DEAD* Anony Mouse: cut out what
Zippo^ - Server online! :D: tell me
*DEAD* Andrycx: jump
Zippo^ - Server online! :D: why did u try to votekick me
*DEAD* Anony Mouse: because you random kicked underdog
Zippo^ - Server online! :D: Lie
Zippo^ - Server online! :D: i had a reason
Player george_magnito has joined the game
*DEAD* Anony Mouse: you had a reason and?
Zippo^ - Server online! :D: and im gonna take this to the fodums
*DEAD* Gevelegian: what are you trying to do?
BlAcKLiGhT's props have been removed.
*DEAD* Anony Mouse: yeah sure go lie on the forums
I belive Anony mouse and underdog, is friends, thats why he is protecting him.
// Zippo
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