Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps
BestWagon! Hai!
Just saying hi and a res request!
For Starters: You guys are the first servers i started playing on when i got GMOD again and its been fun!! :D :D i love playing on the servers good and no lag. I got a few others to play on here and they have said it was a great server :] and it is.
Name Origins: BeastWagon was a skate team i use to be in that me and my friends made up, lol funny story we all were in a red wagon together and one of my buddies was like "this shit is beast!! oh wait beastwagon!" so yeh idk.
Time On: I am on WAY to much then ii should be :( but my timezone is GMT-5 and i am on like 10 hours or more.
ETC: I am a very mature player and I do not in anyway try to ruin or disrupt any ones things.
I want to help out and be friends with everyone and make things we can all enjoy! Live, Laugh, Love :D
Summary: I came here first when i got GMOD again, and i just love the servers every one of them. the people are friendly and the players are just fun to chill with.
Name: Jordan AKA BeastWagon AKA Freemorph AKA RandomHero
SteamID: redyellowblue
Friend(s): Everyone :D be my friend. all the RNDs are my friends :D
Favourite subject(s): Reading, Science, Math
Birthday: June 21st
Education: AA Degree in progress.
Games: GMOD, CSS, HL2, TF2, Hidden, AA3, blalal a lot lol.
Location: USA, Florida :D
How to contact me: OR if you can add me on steam do it.
Banana Hat:
Too bad I lost my board. if your read mah stickies you know what to do.
My bad :angel: i didnt say what server, Build server.
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