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Winter Survival suggestions- New Map|Extend time plz- PLEASE READ!!!


Well...I was thinking....Maybe we should have a vote extend time thing when the timer reaches :20 min? Because i Think that 1 hour is too short for a map...I mean, it's fun building a tribe and such, and you soon make a hut and start trading with other tribes- but there is no point to that because once you finish building you only have 6 min left to play.... So maybe You guys could extend the time?

Also... Maybe a new map could be added? Because the four maps are starting to get pretty repetitive....

How does this map look like to you guys?


Looks like a pretty descent map to me, looks ALOT better than winter forest or w/e

Thank you for reading, and please comment :)

Banana Hat:
yea maybe time should be extended. the map cycle is mostly there to prevent sanpshot overflow errors.


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