Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Community Admin Apps

Duck For Admin

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Lol, that's not a copy and paste, it's just following the general format... :-[
However, if it looked like this it would be a copy paste of tomcat's:

--- Quote ---Name: Duck (call meh Duckert lol)
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:24463439
Age: 14
Birthday: 12/1/94
Ingame Name: .:RND`Duck
Location: Louisiana
Time Active: From 5:00 Pm to 8 or 9:00 PM but on weekends I am more active
Admin Experience: SA-MP servers, WoW, Flight Sim, Counter strike.
Friends: (umm i have a lot but ill list a couple) Sanders, poptart, Sniffles, Minic, Sleeper, Bigkenny, and Sheeps Aholy.
Education: 8th Grade everything and 10th grade math.
Skillz: C++,Pawn,HTML,Phython,Photoshop(I make textures lol), Source SDK and I have an intermediate understanding in lua scripting.
Builds: LAZAR, working cow, 9 floor elevator, facer missile launcher, made my own props e2, and a text controlled hover drive.

Why i would like to be An ADMIN: Well i have been an admin on sa-mp servers. I want to help the server because i love heping with stuff. Also i have a basic understanding of some admin commands. I have been administrating servers since i was 11 so I am pretty good at it. I am very mature and i wont abuse my powers. I play a lot of Garry's Mod right now because I love the game. also i made a map for NoXious Game Servers. So thats is pretty Much Meh.

Thanks For reading   :D :D
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Atleast someone other than me sees it, but oh well, I'm not hear to complain/argue. You can lock it or whatever you guys do to these posts.

God Of War:
Duck seems like the perfect candidate for admin... he's always on the flood server (which no admin ever is...), he's on when most admins are not, he's fair with votekicking/banning and won't just voteban someone because someone told them to, and he's overall a nice guy.

Duck, well Duck is a great canidate for an Admin, i mean, i could be too, but he is WAY more active, he follows the rules, he can name all of them without looking at the rules list, he's a friendly player, He looks out for us, when we somtimes get out of hand.

lol wut would ya do if that happend to meh

--- Quote from: Xrain on November 24, 2009, 11:43:25 AM ---Lol, that's not a copy and paste, it's just following the general format... :-[
However, if it looked like this it would be a copy paste of tomcat's:

--- Quote ---Name: Duck (call meh Duckert lol)
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:24463439
Age: 14
Birthday: 12/1/94
Ingame Name: .:RND`Duck
Location: Louisiana
Time Active: From 5:00 Pm to 8 or 9:00 PM but on weekends I am more active
Admin Experience: SA-MP servers, WoW, Flight Sim, Counter strike.
Friends: (umm i have a lot but ill list a couple) Sanders, poptart, Sniffles, Minic, Sleeper, Bigkenny, and Sheeps Aholy.
Education: 8th Grade everything and 10th grade math.
Skillz: C++,Pawn,HTML,Phython,Photoshop(I make textures lol), Source SDK and I have an intermediate understanding in lua scripting.
Builds: LAZAR, working cow, 9 floor elevator, facer missile launcher, made my own props e2, and a text controlled hover drive.

Why i would like to be An ADMIN: Well i have been an admin on sa-mp servers. I want to help the server because i love heping with stuff. Also i have a basic understanding of some admin commands. I have been administrating servers since i was 11 so I am pretty good at it. I am very mature and i wont abuse my powers. I play a lot of Garry's Mod right now because I love the game. also i made a map for NoXious Game Servers. So thats is pretty Much Meh.

Thanks For reading   :D :D
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