Other Shiz > Boneyard
Reporting .:RND`=-Master chief
--- Quote from: Duck on November 20, 2009, 04:49:11 PM ---What you mean probably his boat? Didn't you read, it was in the first sentence. I DESTROYED HIS BOAT, AND HE JUMPED ON MINE.
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Actually first sentence:
--- Quote from: Duck on November 20, 2009, 02:33:11 PM ---This supposedly respected member is a power abuser.
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Also I CAN read, I was CLARIFYING if it was yours or his boat... I was simply saying if it was HIS boat HE had the right to kick YOU IMO. Now chill out I'm not trying to get you in trouble or something I'm defending you... good job genius, maybe think before you rage out on someone...
P.S Ever think he may have also kicked you for maybe being an annoyance? Calm down and try to deal with things instead of freaking out...
--- Quote from: Mingebagger on November 21, 2009, 12:18:36 AM ---And you are a fucktard... I thought that when you get Respected you get inv to rnd too... so fuck you
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you dont always get invited to the steam group, when getting promoted, to respected....
stay calm on the forums, dont start flaming.
Lol I'm not on the Steam group but I'm respected. I'm just too damn lazy and don't give enough of a shit to ask someone to invite me and then click on the "accept invite" button lol.
» Magic «:
i got a heart attack then cause i saw this in newest posts lol
Topic: Reporting .:RND`=-Ma -~ holy shit i nearly died
Boat Sinker:
--- Quote from: SabbathFreak911 on November 20, 2009, 03:38:05 PM ---Was it his boat? If so, and you made him die, he kinda had the right to kick you IMO... But anyways, if you read description in the Complaints section, it says you'll be ignored. Best to get proof and get his Steam ID. Then report him. THAT might actually get something done. No action will probably be taken place here :/. But yea, you have the right to be pissed, but so does he... if it was his boat.
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but what duck did was very petty. And I don't know an rnd member that would kick another rnd member
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