Other Shiz > Boneyard

People think i hack.

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methadone kitty:
Why do people think I hack? Im really not. if you would tell me why you think I hack im sure I can give you a good explenation. Just leave a reply ttelling me why you think I hack.

You have AutoAim.lua....

Need I list more? Because you have more. :P

Good luck explaining that. :)

People don't "think" you hack, we KNOW you hack... Please stop. It would be much appreciated.




--- Quote from: methadone kitty on November 18, 2009, 08:45:15 PM ---Why do people think I hack? Im really not. if you would tell me why you think I hack im sure I can give you a good explenation. Just leave a reply ttelling me why you think I hack.

--- End quote ---

Dude [I DON'T "THINK" ] Im sure you do, just delete them :) like minic said, anyway i temp banned you, in order to play just delete them. :)

So admins can detect lua hacks? If so, haxin Fail.

Don't think your "non-lua" hacks are safe either. :-\


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