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HeLLo My name is DallanMcAwesome

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Name: DallanMcAwesome
Steamid: DallanMcAwesome
Age: 14
BirthDay: 7/13/95
FaviriteGames: Call of Duty, Halo Series, Garrys Mod, Half-life series, TF2, WOW (world of warcraft for those of you that arent nerds!)
Location:Northern Id (the real Idaho!)
Education:9th Grade Education, algabra, physical science and the other stuff
Fav Subjects: Wire, Building suff, Takeing screenshots for my desktop background
Builds: Trains, airplanes, and other vechicles, Likes messing around with ragdolls posses
Friends: Melon Cat (lol hes my bro), Prysiye, sabbith911 (i think), Jg coolcat
How to Contact me:

 I hate MingeBags, because they screw up my projects and stupid music i think, and push you off your on boat. I have been one before so i know what its like So i like to tell nicely then i yell at them. I have 1 cat, 1dog, 1 hamster (used to but he died yesterday :( ). I am mostly on after school and almost all the time on weekends. I started playing about 2 months ago on my brothers account (melon cat) but i decided to get my own. I love the lonely island collection. Ps. Gravity Cat Nawt amused!

Hey, DallanMcAwesome. Sorry to hear about your hamster. :(

WoW player eh? Kan haz armory URL? :P

Anyways, get in touch with an administrator in-game and give them the URL to this forum post to become a respected member.

Have fun, and say hi to Melon Cat for me.


so Any Admin??? i was told just banna hat

Banana Hat:
Minic is an admin.

so am i an respected now then/


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