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I wonder who the fucking dumbass is who started this is. And I can't believe that ALL these fucking noobs fell for it LOLOLOL I need to start something like this... bad thing about this, LOL, LOOK AT ALL THE PEOPLE THAT FORWARDED IT!!! lmfaoo!! This was a good idea to get a huge list of email addresses
http://freetexthost.com/tsdi3cbtr4 is the link since it was way to huge to post. LMFAO I am trying to find a site to sell these addresses to, like a spam site lol.

just use pastebin.ca lol works good and you dont need to register

If you get another mail than Hotmail, you're safe from these crappy shitz. I prefer GMAIL!!!! (And no, not because its related to Email)
I don't see why people get tricked by these mails. If they actually would do that then they would just rewrite the loading script telling you a similar message, but from the real people, and then I would believe it. Luckily I don't have Hotmail.

Banana Hat:
if you can't believe that people get tricked by that siz then check this out. http://forum.randomgs.co.cc/index.php/topic,1041.0.html


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